Monday, December 1, 2014

Update #1


In the following post, I will be discussing what has been going on in my Capstone Project.

I have contacted Ms. Becca Lovano several times over the past few months regarding times to complete my hours and the project as a whole. She has been very flexible with me, for she has taken into account that I am a senior and I have school things to fulfill like college applications and tests like the SAT and ACT. Also, Ms. Lovano has been busy on her own; she has had to prepare for a big location move and has had to prepare for the holiday seasons, which is St. Anthony's busiest time of year. Thus, we concluded that it would be best if I start doing my hours in January. I would also have to attend an Orientation that the Foundation provides for new members that serve over a certain amount of hours.

The Capstone also requires I take pictures of what I'm doing as proof that I am completing my hours. I want to take pictures of people eating, and interview some people for the research paper portion of the project, but I may run in to some trouble with that since its a privacy issue. Nevertheless, I know I will be able to complete my project at the best of my ability.

Thanks for Reading!

Alexander Hernani

Hours Completed: 0/25

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